Vocational/Technical Colleges in Meddybemps, ME

Vocational/Technical Colleges Meddybemps

Deciding upon a college or university does not need to be a cumbersome task. Be ready to ask about medical careers or engineering programs. Then, when it is time for you to narrow down your personal choice of the vo-tech university in Meddybemps, ME, you will know that you have made an educated decision.


Vocational/Technical Colleges Listings

Washington County Comm College
1 College Dr, Alexander, ME 4694.
Washington County Comm College Phone Number(207) 454-1000 258.1 mile
Washington County - Washington County Consortium
9 Obrien Ave, Machias, ME 4654.
Washington County - Washington County Consortium Phone Number(207) 255-1219 244.15 mile
Boat School
Deep Cove Rd, Eastport, ME 4631.
Boat School Phone Number(207) 853-2518 269.99 mile
Atlantic Leadership Institute
51 Water St, Eastport, ME 4631.
Atlantic Leadership Institute Phone Number(207) 853-2574 270.5 mile
Hancock County Technical Center
112 Boggy Brook Rd, Ellsworth, ME 4605.
Hancock County Technical Center Phone Number(207) 667-9729 202.21 mile
Northern Penobscot Tech Region
35 W Broadway, Lincoln, ME 4457.
Northern Penobscot Tech Region Phone Number(207) 794-3004 244.31 mile
Acadia Institute of Oceanogr
9 Lower Dunbar Rd, Seal Harbor, ME 4609.
Acadia Institute of Oceanogr Phone Number(207) 276-9364 196.62 mile
NextQuest IT
P.O. Box 264, Stillwater, ME 4489.
NextQuest IT Phone Number(207) 992-2186 213.23 mile
United Technologies Center-Region 4
200 Hogan Rd, Bangor, ME 4401.
United Technologies Center-Region 4 Phone Number(207) 942-5296 206.79 mile
Nationwide Instructional
Po Box 521, SOUTHWEST HBR, ME 4679.
Nationwide Instructional Phone Number(207) 244-3147 191.37 mile
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