Health and Science Colleges in Kinston, NC

Health and Science Colleges Kinston

Does the topic of physical therapist assistant degrees have you curious about where to start? Seeking out the science university with a strong admissions department could give you a greater sense of direction. Learn about the best health colleges in Kinston, NC.


Health and Science Colleges Listings

Lenoir Community College
231 Hwy 58 S, Kinston, NC 28501.
Lenoir Community College Phone Number(252) 527-6223 601.16 mile
Lenoir Community College
231 Hwy 58 S, Kinston, NC 28501.
Lenoir Community College Phone Number(252) 527-6223 601.16 mile
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Determine what you are interested in in a school. Then when it is time to decide on the best science college in Kinston, NC, you will know what questions to pose. Check into course selection or possibly community college courses in Kinston!