Health and Science Colleges in Ottawa, KS

Health and Science Colleges Ottawa

Selecting a college or university does not have to be a cumbersome job. Be well prepared to inquire about chiropractor programs or physician assistant degrees. Then, when it is time to narrow down your personal choice of the health and science college in Ottawa, KS, you'll know that you have made a knowledgeable choice.


Health and Science Colleges Listings

Ottawa University
1001 S Cedar St, Ottawa, KS 66067.
Ottawa University Phone Number(785) 242-5200 1291.56 mile
Ottawa University-Online
1001 S Cedar St, Ottawa, KS 66067.
Ottawa University-Online Phone Number(785) 242-5200 1291.56 mile
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Look at the top medical universities in Ottawa, KS to find the best fit

Find out about the healthcare colleges in Ottawa, KS. There are a good number of the Ottawa, KS science colleges. Find out about the local health and science college and learn about health information management degrees and science universities in Ottawa, KS.